
Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure aimed to reduce the size and/or reshape the labia Minora also known as the “Inner vaginal lips”, or the Labia Majora which are the larger part covered by skin and hair just outside of the lips.

1) Labia Minora Reduction – Many women dislike the large protuberant appearance of their labia minora. This may cause severe embarrassment with a sexual partner. The overly large labia minora can also result in constant irritation by tight pants. Surgical labial reduction can greatly improve the aesthetic appearance of the abnormally enlarged labias. Some women are born with large labias while others may develop this condition with childbirth or age.

2) Labia Majora Reduction – This common anatomical variation may be worsened by childbirth or by weight gain or loss. They may sometimes be improved by liposuction. In more severe cases, surgical reduction is necessary.

3) Filling of the labia majora by special filler or your own fat, a simple procedure in the clinic under local anesthesia.

Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure usually performed under local anesthesia; you can reshape your labias giving a youthfull appearance. We sculpt the labia majora by injecting hyaluronic acid or fat enriched cells known as stem cells, that will give the labia majora a more youthful look, in shape and color, and that will also increase the sexual sensitivity in that area.

Contact Dr Sreekar Harinatha for appointments for the surgeries

Mobile: 9902223733


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